Sonntag, 28. April 2024


Mark Manson:

"A man who is very serious and unable to laugh at himself or the world conveys that he is heavily invested in the perceptions of the world around him ..."

Manson wants to point out that it is bad to be invested in the perceptions of another person. I am not so sure about that. E.g. if there is a person you highly respect, you will be invested in his or her perceptions. Status generates nervousness. In particular if you perceive another person high in status and if you care about the outcome of the interaction.

Collapse of Family size:

via JayMan. Mary Harrington:

"[We should reframe] the collapse in family size from a crisis of childBEARING to a crisis of childREARING..."


Wilhelm v. Humboldt:

"Der Mensch kann das Leben zu dem machen, was er will, und ihm für sich und andere so viel Wert geben, als er Kraft hat das zu tun."


via Rob Henderson:

"London was not a melting pot...The primary instinct was to stick with your own kind and mind your own business.."


It's an interesting idea, that humanity come in different kinds, colors, flavors or classes.

The alternative idea is: There are no different kinds, colors, flavors or classes. Humanity is unstructured. Humans do no vary in a sense so that they can be labeled in certain ways.

Samstag, 27. April 2024

Psychological Tension:

Psychological tension refers to the mental or emotional strain that individuals experience when they face challenging situations, conflicting demands, or pressures from their environment. This type of tension can manifest in various ways and is influenced by individual perceptions, coping mechanisms, and external stressors.

Causes of Psychological Tension

Stressful Situations: Encountering difficult or demanding scenarios, such as job interviews, exams, deadlines, or significant life changes like moving or divorce, can create tension.

Whether in personal relationships, workplaces, or social settings, disagreements and conflicts can create psychological tension. This arises from the uncertainty of outcomes, fear of confrontation, or potential loss of relationships.

High-stakes decision-making can cause tension, especially when the choices may lead to significant consequences.

Uncertainty about the future, or fear of failure can contribute to psychological tension.

Effects of Psychological Tension

It can result in feelings of irritability, anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Prolonged tension can affect one’s overall emotional health.

High levels of stress and tension can impair cognitive functions, leading to difficulties in concentrating, memory problems, and decision-making challenges.

People under constant psychological tension might exhibit changes in behavior such as withdrawal from social interactions, changes in eating habits, or increased use of alcohol or drugs as coping mechanisms.

Donnerstag, 25. April 2024


Das Sich-Lustigmachen ist eine Kunst, die gelernt sein will. Eben das Distanz-Aufbauen-Können zu den Dingen, zu sich selbst, zu Ereignissen der Umgebung.


Er hat sich abgekapselt und vor sich hingedacht, ein paar Jahre lang.

Und was hat bei dieser Abkapselung herausgeschaut?